Emissions Monitoring

Continuous Emissions and Periodic Emissions Monitoring Systems. Protea has been at the forefront of emissions monitoring systems for 20 years, as both a manufacturer and a user of stack emissions equipment.

Emissions Monitoring

Marine Emissions

Measurement of SO2 and NOx emissions on ships and the offshore industries requires effective and proven instrumentation - Protea’s in-situ analysers and controllers offer this solution.

Marine Emissions

FTIR Gas Analysers

Protea’s range of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Gas Analyser allows for the measurement of nearly any gas with one instrument allowing for hundreds of gases to be detected and measured at once.

FTIR Gas Analysers


The complete gas analysis solution provider for industry and research

Through the commercialisation and application of new technologies, Protea Ltd delivers customer-focused solutions for emission, process and research gas monitoring. With an in-depth knowledge of analytical techniques, system integration and turn-key engineering, Protea can provide the solution to any gas detection and measurement application.

As a UK manufacturer of analysers using a range of technologies – IR, UV, FTIR, TDL and QMS – Protea can support the entire system from the analyser, software optimisation, systems automation and on-going service and support. Our core areas of expertise are for stack and marine emissions, where we are leading in the development of controlling global environmental emissions, pollution reduction and process improvement. Protea’s analysers can be applied to fixed applications, often in demanding environments, or portable monitoring tools to support environmental test laboratories and researchers.

Extractive CEMs

Extractive CEMs

In-Situ CEMs

In-Situ CEMs

Portable Emissions Analysers

Portable Emissions Analysers

Marine Emissions Analysers

Marine Emissions Analysers

FTIR Gas Analysers

FTIR Gas Analysers

Gas Analyser Rental Services

Gas Analyser Rental Services