Marine Scrubber Control In Focus
Protea’s marine emissions analyser plays an important role in the operation and control of on-board emissions scrubbers. With regulations as laid out in the IMO publication MARPOL Annex VI, control of SO2 emissions from vessels is critical for operators. To reduce emissions, Sea Water Scrubber Flue Gas Desulphurisation (SWS FGD) is operated in both Open Loop and Closed Loop modes.

Protea works closely with scrubber manufacturers and suppliers and partnership with our analyser can give vessel operators the peace of mind that the scrubber is operating effectively. The ability for the emissions analyser to also measure non-scrubbed emissions, under fuel switching operation, give the flexibility of operation for vessels. With the Protea P2000 marine emissions analyser installed, the reduction of SO2 emissions can clearly be demonstrated, and scrubber operation controlled to ensure efficiency. The P2000 marine emissions system is:
- Certified by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Marpol 73/78 Annex VI Reg 13 of the NOx Technical Code
- Meets or exceeds requirements of IACS E10
- Also meets or exceeds relevant parts of IEC 60945
- US EPA 40 cfr Part 60 & 75 Compliant
- Certified to MCERTS Std (EN 14181)
- Approved by Classification Society
The need to demonstrate environmental responsibility is key for today’s marine and offshore industries. Charterers and the public demand high standards of performance and reliability. Fuels and exhaust gas emissions are also the subject of international, regional and national controls. The most significant is IMO MARPOL Annex VI - Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, which also applies to mobile offshore drilling units and other oil industry platforms. More information can be found at
#protea #emissions #monitoring #cems #ftir #gas #analysers #shipping #marine
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